On Monday, June 19, actors Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt unveiled the poster of Rocky aur Ranii Kii Prem Kahaani. Netizens and movie maniacs have been excited about this movie. In the new poster, we can see Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt are twining in red outfits and smiling wide apart. This movie is directed by Karan Johar and will release in cinemas on July 28 in his 25th anniversary year.
Ranveer shared a caption while posting on instagram, he wrote “We’re about to enter the season of LOVE! #RockyAurRaniKiiPremKahaani TEASER OUT TOMORROW! Click the link in the bio to set your reminder now! A film by Karan Johar in his 25th anniversary year, in cinemas 28th July, 2023.” Soon after Ranveer Singh shared the poster of Rocky aur Ranii Kii Prem Kahaani, fans flooded the comment section with fire and red heart emojis. Netizens and fans are eagerly waiting for the teaser and the movie to get released. A fan wrote ” “Can’t wait for this season to start,” another user wrote ” yeeeyee cant wait”. One fan also commented ” “Excited to see it, Rocky gonna rock”.
This movie directed by Karan Johar is already receiving so much love. Karan also took to instagram and shared the movie’s poster and wrote “It’s just the beginning of this ERA OF LOVE! #RockyAurRaniKiiPremKahaani TEASER OUT TOMORROW! Set your reminders now! (link in bio) In cinemas 28th July, 2023.”
Apart from Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh, this movie is starring Dharmendra, Jaya Bachchan and Shabana Azmi. On Karan Johar’s 51 birthday, the makers revealed several posters of this movie which increased the fans’ excitement and eagerness. Karan Johar, last year on his birthday announced that he will soon direct an action film and the shooting will commence in April 23 but after that no new update was given.
The post Rocky Aur Ranii Ki Prem Kahnaani Poster Unveiled; Here’s How Netizens Reacted appeared first on Kiddaan.
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