Big Boss OTT season 2 which is a reality show premiered on June 17 on Jio Cinema. Social media star Puneet Kumar, also known as Puneet Superstar was the 12th contestant to enter the Big boss house. However he was also the first one to be evicted collectively by the house members because of his unique antics. Puneet Superstar is famous among GenZ who like his reels because of his witty and funny ways of addressing issues. He currently has 635k followers on Instagram.
On the first day, Puneet was scolded by Big boss because he smeared toothpaste all over himself. Also, according to the reports, Puneet has been the first contestant ever to be evicted just after few hours of the arrival.
Why was he evicted?
Puneet Superstar was grilled immensely by Salman Khan before entering the show for various reasons. After entering the show, he smeared toothpaste all over himself after which he got a scolding from Big Boss who gave him a last warning. Big Boss also addressed the issue of his behaviour. Later on he was collectively evicted by the house members and this was the first eviction ever in the history of Big Boss that was done just after few hours of the arrival.
How did the internet react to his entry?
After the Jio Cinema’s announcement that Puneet will be a part of Big Boss OTT 2, netizens were overjoyed. They were very excited to see him as this is the first time Puneet was to be seen on a reality show. He tried to grab everyone’s attention and became the centre of the attraction after he swam in the puddle of muddy water and smeared toothpaste all over himself.
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