Polly-wood Actor Nav Bajwa who has huge female fan base for his charming personality is once again talk of the town. The actor is all set to romance Popular Television Actress Rashmi Desai in his upcoming movie “Chambe Di Booti“ which is a romantic comedy , is scheduled to release next year . The duo will appear first time on the big screen together making it an exciting release for their fans.
The film is written and directed by Nav Bajwa himself, who will be seen in the Lead Role alongside Actress Rashmi Desai , Navneet Kaur Dhillon , along with the army of talented actors like Yograj Singh , Virjesh Hirjee , Paramveer Singh ,Neena Bundhel, and Amitoj Garg . The film is expected to be a delightful romantic comedy with lots of humour, entertainment , love and raw emotions. The Title of the movie is very much inspired from Literature and rooted with simplicity and fulfilment. The songs from the movie are also very heartwarming , at the very same time captures the emotion and vulnerability of love .
The film is produced by Virender Bhalla and Co Produced by an NRI Inderpal Singh Shergill. The film will be Released under Image International Film in association with advanced Advance Picture Motions. The film is entirely being shot in Scotland and England with picturesque landscapes and will be released in duo language Hindi and Punjabi both. The shooting for the film will begin in the 1st week of July 2023.
Music in the Film is composed by Money Aujhla who is well known for his melodious music. Previously as well Money Aujhla , worked in Ishqaa movie for Nav Bajwa and created a spectacular track Ishqaa tere sung by Akhil. The movie is romantic and a great music with melodies is very much expected from the film.
Actor Nav Bajwa has charming personality, with attractive looks ,is seen in close relationship with many from the Film Industry itself. However he makes a lovely duo with Rashmi Desai and both will seem to have a great chemistry on sets and are seeing spending fun times together. It will be a delight for their fans to see them together
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